EVL-3 is a Three Phase Multifunction Meter with internal memory and pen-drive based data logger. In many industries, lots of testing done with their products but they have no record for future use and understanding about the experiments. And this kind of problem creates lots of problems in another experiment. We try to solve these kinds of problems and provide their solution as the EVL-3 meter.
EVL-3 measures electric parameters and logs them to internal memory and externally connected pen-drive also. It has internally 32000 data storage capacity in a cycle and also supported up to 32GB pen-drive. Data Can be analyzed using EVL-3 Software. It will provide all data analysis. It generates various reports which are useful for analyzing energy.
Catalog of EVL-3
Measured and logged Parameters
- Vr, Vy, Vb, Vt
- Ar, Ay, Ab, At
- Wr, Wy, Wb, Wt
- PF r, PF y, PF b, PF avg
- Frequency
- Phase Sequence
- Electricity Status
- KWHr, KWHy. KWHb, KWHt
- Load Run Minute